keep track of tasks associated with launching a new job to the shop floor in an orderly manner.
The Realtrac Launch Checklist is designed to allow the Realtrac user to keep track of tasks associated with launching a new job to the shop floor in an orderly manner. The checklist may be created at the estimating stage or at the actual job stage. The Realtrac Launch Checklist features five main tabs that correspond to the various stages of preparing, manufacturing and shipping parts to your customers. Realtrac will create a default template of Tasks under each of these tabs which the user is free to adjust to meet the goals of their organization.
Each tab of the Checklist system can consist of one or more main tasks (up to 19 tasks are available in each tab). And each main task can have up to 9 subtasks associated with it as well. (Image 1.1)
(Image 1.2)
Within the designer interface, Realtrac will provide a default Checklist template, but what if you want to change the Checklist to match the needs of your organization you may use the designer program to let you design tasks and subtasks that meets the needs of your company. (Image 1.3)
By default the Full Checklist report will print all Tasks and Subtasks that are active in the system. The report displays the contents of the task/subtask description, the complete status and the name of the employee that signed off on the task if a signature is required.
This report can be customized to show additional fields (such as comments), to show simply the main tasks or several other fields. Users can even add the default part image to the report to visually see the part they are working on right on the Checklist report. (Image 1.4, 1.5)
Available Header Fields